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April 13, 2005


Oh, those dishtowels are quite beautiful! Guess I, too, need to make the journey to our semi-local KMart. I'm also on the search for a set of melamine dishes, though....hmn...where to look.

Love the dishtowels and hadn't heard about those dark chocolate M&Ms....Mmmmmm.

Kmart is definitely not somewhere I regularly shop, but just last week I went in search of more dishtowels (I have Martha polka-dot ones from there that I love). Instead, I came home with the Chromatherapy dishes in the blues and the greens. I love them, but they do occasionally clash with what's for dinner.

I never would have made it home with those M&Ms...I would have plowed through the bag in the car.

nice score on the dish towels, they look pretty enough to be turned into zippered cary smalls! DARK chocolate m&m??? i had not heard of this deliciousness... definitely going to kmart now. have you tried the midnight milkyways? i never liked the regular mw's but i have to say the midnight ones (apparently midnight means dark chocolate to the mars company) are really good. also for cute summer melamine dishes, check out the brightly colored line at pottery barn kids. they might be small, but who needs big portions in the summer? and who knows, there may be a bigger set at pbteen. which i have to admit loving!

I went to kmart last week for the dish towels...

I scooped up a handful of dishtowels myself. I agree with the white dinnerware thing. I used to hate plain white dishes, until I got a set from Ikea for fifty cents a piece. Someday I hope to find the perfect, good-quality set of white dinnerware. Everything just looks so good on white plates!

You got some of the same dish towels that I did, great minds think alike, eh? ;) Kmart is always full of surprises even though I dislike going there. I'm hoping with Martha out of jail that her section will be booming again soon. Pretty dishes too, I didn't see those, maybe next time :)

Those dishtowels are lovely. I'm sure you'll come up with some wonderfully crafty uses for them! Looking forward to it... :)

Have you thought of making kitchen curtains with those dishtowels? I turned some cute ones(with embroidered veggies) from Target into curtains with those ring clips. No cutting or sewing, so you preserve the towel in case you find another project for it.

Yeah, those hand towels are very cute! I have to say I am loving my fruity plates! My food always looks like crap anyway, so any visual distraction is welcome. Kmart. Can you BELIEVE it? And hey, candy quests are always the best!

oh-man! the dishtowells!!

wow-they could be an apron or handbag or something? too many options-thank you!

Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms?! I can't believe I'm missing out on those! I hope it's not just a fad..

Oh, the dishtowels are great, too--I just got distracted by the candy.

oh i have SUCH kmart envy. i badly want those dishes!
but, yah, i dont NEED them.

A few weeks ago my mom got me some Martha Stewart dish towels with vintage looking butterfly designs. I promptly washed them and put them in my "crafty" pile.

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