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December 01, 2006


A quick follow-up from the hubby. We went out for Sushi and got a big ol' sushi boat which was very festive. It never ceases to amaze me that Brynne likes sushi - she especially liked the eel. Kelly got me a tres-cool t-shirt from the Robot Museum in Nagoya and - god how I love her - she bought me one of these:

Mattel Bee Gees Rhythm Machine

Now, if she ebay-ed it I would have a heart attack... they go for $$$$. But of course the love of my life thrifted it! Makes it all the more special and personal in an odd way.

I want to see pic of the t-shirt from the Robot Museum!!! I need to get my husband some more robot t's. I picked up a couple at Giant Robot in SF, but i'm sick of seeing him wear the same t's every weekend!

And o.m.g. The Mattel Rhythm Machine! If I could find one of those, my life would be almost complete! Amazing that it was thrifted!

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