I love travel - in fact, it's hard to think of a single place I *wouldn't* like to go... drop me off most anywhere and I'll find something fun to do, some good food to eat, and some fascinating people-watching. Getting married and having a child have put quite the damper on my wanderlust. Jerry is as much of a homebody as I am someone who loves being somewhere foreign. This conflict is a constant source of negotiation and compromise in our marriage, and thank goodness Jerry lets me drag him somewhere now and then! Of course, there are certain places that I don't feel comfortable taking Brynne, so we have limited our travel repertoire lately. In fact, I haven't left this continent since 1998 - scary!
I was so lucky to have opportunities to travel when I was in grad school - travel to the sorts of places that most people would never dream of going: Congo and Madagascar. Those extended trips are becoming distant memories, and I hope that someday I can once again travel to truly remote locales. I found this fun little meme via Floating World Views last week. This is the map showing the places I've been (in red). Still so many places I need to go...
I'd love to see where you have been, and get your travel recommendations for where I should go next! (Just don't tell Jerry I'm asking!)
oh gosh. i havent left the continent since 98 either. how sad. i have friends who went backpacking in spain with a five and three year old and said it was wonderful. gives me hope. i see that spain is NOT red on your map. tisk, tisk.
Posted by: hannah | June 12, 2006 at 09:15 PM
I haven't left the continent ever- if that is any consolation for you. You might enjoy seeing the pictures from the QUILT WALK in Panquitch Utah I was fortunate to see this past Friday!
Your quilt is Fantastic!
MB in JT
Posted by: marybeth | June 12, 2006 at 09:26 PM
Fear not traveling with your child! For we have done it--and survived! We took a trip when my then 16 monther to Italy! It was not so bad! In fact, we went with another couple who ALSO had a little one of the same age. We had it harder since our son is a certified WANDERER! But you know, we still loved it! So did he. He loved exploring the piazzas and alley-ways. And when he pitched a fit we shoved pizza or the secret weapon--GELATO in his face. It seems you've already been there, but it's a different experience with little ones. You can nix traditional museums, but there are still many things to "explore"--ruins, old towns, shops, parks. Even some musuems are still intersting enough for little ones if it's something they can explore.
Before kids, we went to Thailand. I would LOVE to take the kids there (try travel with TWO kids). Thailand is SO fantastic--and the food ooooh! Kids would LOVE it there!
I grew up in Hong Kong, and that is an awesome city. It is exotic while still having havens of "english" if you are weary of being misunderstood. I also saw a show on The Travel Channel that focused on travel with children in Hong Kong. Wow. It has so much to offer families!
But I think that little kids are so fascinated by the new-ness of a foreign country that they won't ever be bored!
Tell us where you decide to go! You've gotten me fantacizing about going on a trip again!
Posted by: Sharon | June 12, 2006 at 10:46 PM
Ooh - there's a big white open space in the bottom right hand corner of your map... come to visit your Australian blog friends! ;)
Posted by: Fiona | June 13, 2006 at 06:03 AM
LOL it's too funny ! Thanks for the link ! I made my own you can see on my blog ! Smooches
Posted by: Sandrine (alias Didine ♥ ) | June 13, 2006 at 12:32 PM
ooo I really enjoyed Poland. It's very beutiful and has a lot of history... and it's pretty safe... I never once felt scared while I was there.
Posted by: Rachel | June 13, 2006 at 01:21 PM
Hey, I just came around your blog. I am originally from Croatia and I see that is still "grey" color on your map. Please visit! Country is beautiful Mediteranean country with more than thousant islands every one of which has unique hisotry and culture. Adriatic sea is a beautiful green/blue color. I think the best way to see the country is to fly in Zagreb (our capital) and old European metropola with much history and culture (and the best ice cream store - Vincek right on the Ilica (main street)), and then take a road trip to the coast. On the way you can stop at the Plitvice National Park with cascading lakes and tall waterfalls, or Paklenica or Risnjak National Parks which are up in the mountains (they have snow year around). You can drive all the way down the coast on the Serpentine drive to Dubrovnik and on the way stop at various cities and islands along the coast. Drive itself is so nice since it is cut into the mountain which is paralell to the sea and you can see the sea most of the way from the car. Dubrovnik is a special city whith spirit that exists there that I cannot describe, you just have to visit it!
When you go E-mail me and I will be happy to answer any questions and help.
Posted by: Mihaela | June 14, 2006 at 11:07 AM
I travelled Cambodia not so long ago, and would totally recommend it.
The country's just opening up after the whole Khmer-Rouge thing way-back-when, so it's still really untouched and un-westernised, except for Siem Reap which is where the package-tourists go. Gotta get there fast though; they're starting to build more paved roads (there was just one when we went - seriously! Everything else was just a mud-track)
Photos here - http://canny-cat.com/?p=142#fotos
Catherine x
Posted by: Catherine | June 23, 2006 at 08:15 AM
My friends take their family to Fiji every year. They run their own charter, so they take like 10 friends and get the trip for free. That's what I'm talkin' about! My ex-boyfriend was telling me about his trip there, and actually got tears when he described its beauty (from that kind of guy, who never shows his emotions...that's saying a lot).
Posted by: Barb | June 25, 2006 at 04:53 PM