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March 30, 2006


Wow, take care of yourself, Kelli. And thanks for that link, what a great store!

Scary! Glad to hear that it turned out to be nothing serious. You should really just stay home to cook and craft from now on.

Glad to hear you're doing better. And you're right, it's too easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Thanks for the remainder.

thank you for the reminder to be good to ourselves....

i love your site, and thank you too for the great link - fabulous.

so glad you're OK! xo.

glad you are fine! yikes!

i definitely am starting to feel my age. i always thought of my self as about 10 years younger than i am. i think that gap is now shortening to 5 years.

i'm checking out the bookshelf for boys and girls on ebay--it just looked so cool! i'm sure that you got a better deal than i'm about to get though...!

That's scary. I'm glad you're better and it wasn't anything serious.

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