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August 17, 2005


Well you are right, there's at least one person who hasn't heard of her, me! Thanks for the pictures, they are lovely. I like the orange circles one. I'll have to keep my eye out for those books.

second person, right here! thanks for sharing your discovery, Kelly :)

third! i can't belive those quilts! thanks so much for posting about the artist and her work - it is brilliant and beautiful!!!

fourth! this is becoming more like a roll call than a comments section. :) such wonderful stuff - thank you.

wow. I suck,I'm #5. thank you!! (and you are bad for making want more books!) and you are double-bad for making me do the running thing! i'm in my first week and pete is doing it to! It's horrible!;)

Very inspirational! Thanks for sharing :D

#6 and I too thank you for sharing these. Look at those birds!! I've been wanting to do something like this for Max, but how many times have I said that? Too many. Very inspiring.

She has a web site www.jeanraylaury.com. My sister just bought that quilts and coverlets book at the Goodwill here in Portland the other day. Crazy cool stuff in there. I have her tote bag book. The baby book is a real find; I have been looking for it at the thrift stores forever. One day!

What number am I... about 7?! Thanks so much for sharing these amazing finds - yet another reason for me to try quilting! That apple & mushroom one and the floral one underneath it are so, so lovely.

I love her! I found her by mistake once, from a library book and it has been true love ever since. I love the little drawings she has throughout the books...

I have got to check some of those out! I love the pics you posted. Thanks.

Okay, me too! Totally haven't heard of her, but am now amazed and blown away too at this wonderful work. And of course, the children's art into quilt project. So wonderful. I must look for more--thank you!!

I've seen her "child's quilt" somewhere before, but now I can't remember. A friend gave me several boxes of vintage quilt magazines earlier this year; maybe that's where I saw it. Thanks for giving me a name (and the wonderful other quilts) to go along with a quilt I already loved!

Thanks for posting those pictures, they're beautiful!

Wow I really like that quilt with the whales and apples. This is making me wanting to learn how to make a quilt =P

Lovely visual post. I'm another who hadn't heard of her - but then news used to travel very slowly to England...

New to me as well-- awesome stuff here-- thanks so much for posting it!

I must be 1175348 and in my opinion every picture you post is worth. In fact you should put more of this! Really wonderful.

What a gem of a book! I love it.

oh my gosh -- i've been working on a post about her for the past few days! i've been scanning like mad to get some images up. i've been collecting all of her books for a while now. i emailed her and she is so COOL! she's 77 and writing a quilting mystery among other things. you have to check out "handmade toys and games" -- that book is amazing, as is her dollmaking one. well, they ALL are. she just sent me a copy of "the creative woman's guide to getting it all together at home" and i loved that too. all of her books inspire me to try new things.

Hello from Hong Kong! I'm a newbie and just so happened to receive a copy of her Quilts and Coverlets yesterday from a swap with Mrs. Pilkington who left the earlier comment! Her work is fabulous but there's just no way to get such books here. I'll go check the library.

WOW! I'd never heard of her until just now and I'm just as psyched as you are! Thanks so much for sharing the links and pics!

Oh yes! I saw the books in real life at a friend's (Mrs. Pilkington, actually, I see that she, of course, commented). I nearly fainted. Denyse has nothing on her. Well, now I rushed over to amazon.com and got all three ...

I picked up Needlecraft for the New Baby a few weeks ago at a used bookstore and I love the designs in there. I hadn't heard about her other books - she put together such beautiful 70's stuff. Thanks for making me aware of her quilt and applique books!

Oh boy, the power of suggestion has struck again.
I just ordered two of the books you mentioned from

I read your bio and found that we don't live too far
from each other...I'm just a couple of hours north
of you. small world :)

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