Certainly it comes as no surprise to any of you that there are some fantastically amazing and talented women out there (of which you are one!), but I just discovered the works of a couple I thought I'd share.
Orly Cogan is an artist who does both drawing and embroidery, but I am most fascinated by her embroidered work. Much of her embroidered work begins as vintage embroidery that she "modernizes". The themes are largely gender-based and often sexual (venturing into the perverted), but I find them really interesting and thought provoking. Her work is included in an exhibit at the Moore Space in Miami called "Hanging by a Thread", which includes weaving, quilting, and papier-mache. Anyone out there in Miami? Here's a sample of Cogan's embroidery:
Andrea Zittel is a fascinating woman who creates her own "Designs for Living", including experimentation with furniture and clothing. She currently lives out in the Mojave Desert at her "test site" where she lives in relatively primitive conditions. I love her "A-Z Personal Uniforms" made of felted wool:
These women are, admittedly, crafting in the academic and theoretical spheres, but I always find it interesting to see how artists are pushing the boundaries of "craft".
Great links, very interesting.
Thank you Kelly.
Posted by: lyn | September 01, 2005 at 02:47 AM
Those were good links, thanks for sharing. I too find it interesting to explore the nuances between craft and art. (mostly as an observer that is)
Posted by: Strikkelise | September 01, 2005 at 05:35 AM
Oh, I'm in love with the work by Orly Cogan--so, so fascinating!--thanks for introducing her to me!
Posted by: amanda | September 02, 2005 at 09:21 AM
oh wow! thanks for these links! there's nothing more inspiring than individuals who lie somewhere in between craft and academia. not too long ago, i was naive enough to believe it was just me, but in the past year, i have been proved wrong time and time again... and am inspired beyond belief each and every time.
Posted by: betsy | September 04, 2005 at 10:37 PM