Today is a special day for me, but not for any crafty related reasons...
I was raised an only child by a professional working mother. I was the ultimate latch-key kid and I learned to occupy myself while mom was at work. This generally meant burying myself in books, and this tendency toward thinking rather than doing is something that is still with me. Athletics were never a priority for my family, and because I wasn't raised in an environment where athleticism was considered important, I never took an interest. I've always been conscious of trying to "stay in shape", but if I lapsed, it was never a huge deal for me. After I had Brynne I found that I was almost never able to make it to the gym. Finally, after realizing how seldom I was able to make it to the gym, I let my membership lapse and hoped that I could find something else to do.
I had always avoided running because a) it always felt so miserable, and b) I have lousy knees; I have a relatively minor disease called Osgood Slaughter's disease which resulted in a slight deformation of my knees. You probably wouldn't notice it unless I pointed it out - they just have an extra lump on them. Anyway, because I was worried about my knees and because I didn't enjoy it anyway, I was never a runner. All of that changed this past spring. A magazine I subscribe to included a brief training regimen for taking a "couch potato" to a 5km run in 9 weeks. Although I wasn't a total couch potato, I was definitely not in running shape. So, I decided to give it a shot - after all, the only thing required was a pair of shoes... no gym membership, no fancy equipment.
The only time that seemed possible for me to do the program was to get up in the morning with Jerry and go jogging while he was getting ready to go to work. This meant getting up at 5:30 am (ugh!) 3 mornings a week to go jogging - this sounded like absolute hell to me - get up before dawn to go do something that I already knew I hated! Well, I was pretty determined to complete the program, and so I trudged on (or at least it felt like trudging!).
That was 9 weeks ago. This morning I completed the final workout of the program and jogged something around a 5K. This is something I never imagined I would (or could) do, and I know that others around me are just as amazed. Although getting up in the morning was hateful, and jogging still isn't fun, the feeling of accomplishment is truly wonderful. (Plus, nothing feels quite as good as a cool shower after a jog in this hot, muggy weather!) So, I share this with my new blog friends because I'm proud of myself for doing something that was really hard for me. I know that a 5K is nothing for many people, but I am no spring chicken and I am usually exhausted from chasing a crazy toddler around!
Now comes the hard part - keeping up with the routine. I've reached the goal I set out to reach, but I would really like to continue with this and get better at it. Plus, I hear that it does become enjoyable at some point! I'm just worried that I'll give up on this now that I've proven I can do it... I could set time goals, but I'm not really a competitive person, and I don't think this would be important to me. I could set weight loss goals, but all I've done is *gain* weight since I started this program. (Yes, I know it's probably muscle weight, but it's hard to set a weight loss goal when the pounds keep going up!) Due to our schedules in the morning, I can't really increase the amount of time alotted for jogging... So, does anyone out there have any suggestions for a strategy to keep me going? I'd especially love to hear from any runners out there (Mariko?) who actually enjoy doing this!
Well, enough of that... thanks for bearing with me in this self-centered post!
first off, big pat on the back to you girl!
that is so awesome and so inspiring (i too don't understand the whole running
so since i don't run, the only advice that i could give is maybe you could take a map of your town, state, etc. and pick a location that you would like to visit. see how many miles it is from your house and run to it. i don't mean literally, but if you pick some place that is 30 miles away, then once you run 30 miles, maybe you could get yourself a treat that has to do with that town.
like lets say i wanted to visit new orleans (even though i've been there) and its 110 miles from my house. every morning i would run however many miles time allotted and after a few weeks (lets pretend), i've run a grand total of 110 miles, i may buy myself a cajun style cookbook, or treat myself to some beignets.
i hope that all makes sense. again, congrats on meeting that goal.
Posted by: elizabeth | July 28, 2005 at 05:45 PM
Congratulations! That's a big deal!
I have been struggling to find the time to "officially" exercise with a toddler around. My daughter is up when I get up (early), so what's been sort of working for me is to make one of our walks (usually in the morning) "my walk". I carry her in a carrier (she's 19 months old, and most people around here think it's pretty crazy, but whatever), and try to walk at a good pace. I used to do about 7 or 8 miles a day, and now I'm guessing it's about half of that, but I give myself points for carrying the baby! :) I set distance goals, and try to check out new neighborhoods or communities in the process. And sometimes I get myself a small treat from a new place if I've met my distance goal. Does that make sense? It seems to be working, just slowly. I stay off the scale, though, and just go by my clothes. The muscle weight thing can be discouraging...
Anyway, this probably wasn't too helpful. But it sounds like you're doing well. Thanks for the post, and congratulations again!
Posted by: mrspilkington | July 28, 2005 at 07:20 PM
Kelly, no advise for keeping the momentum going, but lots of, "way to go!" "woohoo!" "you go girl!" "that's great!" sentiments!! I think that is so terrific that you set this goal, and one that doesn't come easily, and you accomplished it! I've never been much into athletics - obviously, I enjoy sewing and the computer more, so I really admire you for this! You're an inspiration!! ☺☺☺
Posted by: Cassi | July 28, 2005 at 09:25 PM
Congratulations! I remember the first time I ran for 4k non-stop! I kept a smile on my face for the rest of the week! I, like you, was never encouraged to run and the simple thought of running still drives me crasy! A few months ago however I set myself to running every other day and do statical bycicle the other days. It worked out for 3 months but then I stopped. Do you know why? Because my goal was to lose weight and I ended up not loosing as much weight as I thought I would (I still believe in miracles somewhat...) and sleep took over me in the mornings! Anyway, for other reasons I am now trying to set myself for a amrathon next year and plan to start practising now, a year before. is a good place to start, I love the site! It gives you great guidance lines! Good luck I'll be here on the same road as you only a different country!
Posted by: Pantera | July 29, 2005 at 02:13 AM
Wow, Kelly....that's so amazing of you! I hope you take a second today to really give yourself a big pat on the back and be proud of what you've done so far. Keep it up if it's feeling good for your mind and body!!
Posted by: amanda | July 29, 2005 at 04:21 AM
Yay for you! I, too, dislike running, and would rather have my nose in a book. However, after we moved last year and I had baby #2, the gym and the cheap babysitting became my sanity. An entire hour with no one grabbing my legs and screaming "mama" - I would do anything! Even exercise! Anyway, I think the idea of rewarding yourself is a great one. I love the idea about picking a spot on the map. Or you could just do a reward for a number of days you stick to it, or something. Great job!
Posted by: amanda8 | July 29, 2005 at 04:33 AM
First: congrats, congrats, congrats! Running isn't easy, especially if you're new to it. It takes lots of energy and dedication, so well done for reaching this goal. I'm a "new" runner as well, and have been in the "starting to run" stage for a few years now. I know how hard keeping on track can be.
My number one recommendation to you is to pat yourself on the back, and acknowledge that you're a runner now. Just like how you might say "I knit!” you can now say "I run! I'm a runner!” Then keep setting new goals, and work towards achieving them the same way you might approach, say, making a sweater, or reading a book. Sound cheezy? I'm confident you can keep it up.
Posted by: Anna | July 29, 2005 at 06:44 AM
way to go kelly! that is so awesome that you reached your goal. i like the idea of keeping a log of your mileage and rewarding yourself at certain points. that way even though you dont have time to increase your actual running time, you can still reach a goal. you are awesome!
Posted by: hannah | July 29, 2005 at 07:04 AM
Congrats! My suggestion is to sign up for a local 5K. This will get you training for your new goal. Good luck!
Posted by: Michelle | July 29, 2005 at 07:33 AM
Self-centered post? Don't worry, isn't this your blog afterall?! CONGRATULATIONS on achieving your goal!
My friend wrote a book on running for beginners and I had a copy of it around here somewhere--I'll try and find it for you.
Posted by: Snowbear | July 29, 2005 at 08:17 AM
wow-what a great post!and I agree with snowbear, self-centered?? blogs are for us to wrtie about ourselves! PLEASE be self-centerd, that's why we all read it!
I wish I could give halpful tips, but I'm not runner (ha-ha). cograts and thanks for sharing so much!
Posted by: amy k. | July 29, 2005 at 09:25 AM
Congrats!!! That is such a great accomplishment. I think you could sign up for a 5k and don't think of competing with other runners, just yourself...just like the challange you gave yourself to get up 3 days a week. You have done so much already just by doing that, you should be very proud.
Posted by: tyn | July 29, 2005 at 09:34 AM
Elizabeth's idea sounds great! i used to run (sigh) but my foot is giving me trouble. i was the same as you, totally non-athletic, hated to run. after i started doing longer distance running, i found myself becoming addicted to it. i hope you start to find some joy in it.
i really just wanted to say congrats! and no, it's not selfish to write about this sort of thing. we all tune in because we want to hear what you are doing!
Posted by: ani | July 29, 2005 at 10:18 AM
Congratulations! I, like you, am a reader and not an exerciser. Running, in particular, always makes me feel awful. Maybe the people that do it become addicted to the feeling they get afterwards? I couldn't say. I think the fact that you've managed to work up to your goal is fantastic.
Posted by: Jennifer | July 29, 2005 at 11:05 AM
Congratulations! That is really great! A couple options for you: get a jogging stroller and push Brynne around in it! Another thing is to find a jogging buddy. If you know someone is counting on you to be there to run, you probably won't flake. There is a big running club in Santa Barbara, and I am sure there are some clubs in Ventura, too. That would be a good place to check. Also, signing up for some local 5k races might be good motivators for you. You don't have to RACE them or anything, but they do serve as good goals, and they can be fun family events. Oh, and a final option is to get a DOG. I am forced to take my dog out every morning, so it gets me out the door.
By the way, we are probably going to be down there in a couple weeks. Wanna go to the fabric store in Oxnard?
Posted by: Mariko | July 29, 2005 at 11:23 AM
No suggestions, only BIG CONGRATS for reaching your goals! So happy for you!!! I just returned to my exercise regime after six weeks post partum -- I am SORE today. But I feel good! :)
Posted by: Leslie | July 29, 2005 at 12:11 PM
Thank you for sharing your story. I really love the way you wrote about it at the end of the training and the beginning of "the race". Whether it is a competition 5K or a very private 5K, the battle has been won! You are a great inspiration! I get the feeling you will find your motivation to keep going in the memory of how good it felt to reach your goal! Congratulations!
Posted by: debbie | July 29, 2005 at 01:14 PM
i bow to your mad mad running skilz! i have a friend at work who did that program, and she's kept it up for almost eight or nine months now. in fact, i think she's chosen one of their other programs to tackle next.
(and it's your blog, it's SUPPOSED to be about you!)
Posted by: s. brownrobie | July 29, 2005 at 02:35 PM
congratulations, kelly--i have been an athlete my whole life and it STILL isn't easy to stay motivated and working hard at what i do. in fact, the older i get, the harder it is. do it in moderation and listen to your body. you have made a huge accomplishment--you should feel very proud! good luck! Lisa
Posted by: Lisa | July 29, 2005 at 05:08 PM
Wow! Kelly that is so awesome! Congratulations!!!!
I don't have any advice on how to stay motivated to keep running per say, but how about a craft related running motivation? What if you made a quilt that featured running shoes or something running related in the blocks and you complete a block every time you achieve a certain mileage or #-of-days-you've-been-running goal. Then when the quilt was completed it would be a momento of your achieving your running goals?
Posted by: myra | July 29, 2005 at 10:41 PM
OMG, I have Osgood Slaughters too and know one ever knows what it is! I feel connected to you in a weird, slighty lumpy way. SP
Posted by: Secret Pal | July 30, 2005 at 03:38 AM
:) Big grin and congratulations on setting, and achieving a goal, which is hard with little ones around. My suggestion echoe's someone elses - find some local fun runs, charity runs etc and sign up for them - it will give you the goal, momentum, and direction for continuing. And good luck!
Posted by: Alison | July 30, 2005 at 11:25 PM
Hello, I found your blog via Wee Wonderfuls via Loobylu, anyway, I love the crafty tips I pick up from your blog! I recently started running after months of walk/running and have to recommend mixing sprints into the running workout. It burns calories fast. If it's weight loss your aiming for then the 90/10 diet book deserves a glance; it's all about portion control, decreasing your daily calories,
and having your dessert too.
Posted by: lisa | July 31, 2005 at 01:41 AM
Hey, congrats and thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Nicole | July 31, 2005 at 01:41 AM
what a great thing! you should be very proud of yourself.
Posted by: jenn | July 31, 2005 at 09:53 AM